


The 西蒙 trumpet studio is a tight-knit community of artists who will inspire you, 引导你, and share a musical journey with you.






Doctor of 音乐al Arts




The 西蒙 trumpet studio is a tight-knit community of artists who will inspire you, 引导你, and share a musical journey with you. 


每周一次课, 大师班, brass repertoire class, special seminars and guest artists, are all part of the equation here at 西蒙 to make you become the player you want to become. You can accomplish so much, and at 西蒙, you will keep getting better.

入学 and Audition Requirements

Please see specific instrument audition requirements by degree below. 了解更多 about the undergraduate or graduate application process, in-person audition dates, and deadlines.



  • One complete étude or movement of a standard solo work that shows 抒情
  • One complete étude or movement of a standard solo work that shows 技术
  • One or two contrasting orchestral excerpts (required for performance majors, otherwise optional)

请注意: We have students who come to 西蒙 from across the United States and around the world. That is one of the things that makes a 西蒙 education so special. Some students are accepted and arrive having had extensive private study on their instruments. Others have had less experience (and perhaps less conventional training), but their natural abilities and great love of music allow them to make remarkable strides in a short period of time because of the expertise of our faculty.

Our requirements are sometimes quite specific to give applicants a sense of where they should be to enter a high-level conservatory environment. However, we encourage applicants to reach out to our faculty members to discuss audition repertoire. It may be that what you have prepared will suffice. Our primary goal is to identify potential, and if we feel that the potential is there, it is then our responsibility to provide each and every student with the tools to be successful.

If you would like to be in touch with a member of the faculty to discuss your audition repertoire, 请写信至 harttadm@lalahhathawayshop.com.


  • Two contrasting études showing the applicant's level of 技术 and musical advancement.
  • One movement from a standard solo work
  • Three standard orchestral excerpts



Professor of 小号; 小号 教师

Former Baltimore Symphony Orchestra member 菲尔Snedecor appears frequently as guest principal with the Pittsburgh Ballet Orchestra and the Louisville Orchestra, and as guest trumpeter for the Albany Symphony, Boston Pops and Boston Symphony. He is principal trumpet of the Harrisburg (PA) Symphony Orchestra and co-founder and Artistic Director of the Washington Symphonic Brass. Phil has written a series of brass etude books that are required repertoire at many colleges, conservatories and professional auditions.

“Ivey always been told to surround myself with musicians that'll push me to be my best. That’s been my exact experience here at 西蒙.

小詹姆斯·麦卡伦., 音乐学士, 小号 Performance, 2018


For Placement Only


作曲 offers degree programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as a minor. The program provides students the guidance they need to express their individuality through their music.

音乐al Conducting


西蒙’s 音乐指挥 program gives you the unique opportunity to gain conducting experience in a variety of genres including vocal, 歌剧, 音乐剧院, and all aspects of instrumental conducting.

For Placement Only


The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree with a music major is a rigorous academic program that combines the breadth of a liberal education with in-depth study in music.